Helping you put the spring
back into your step.

How can we help you?

 How we can help you

Anyone who has had aching feet, ankles or legs knows how it can affect your everyday quality of life.

At Emu Plains Podiatry we can help make a difference and provide the care you need to minimise your discomfort. We offer a caring, gentle and friendly service, catering to people of all ages for assessment, diagnosis and treatment of lower limb conditions.

All consultations are personally tailored to your needs to help you put a ‘spring back into your step’.

Let us help you.

Foot fact #1

A human foot & ankle is a strong, mechanical structure that contain 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 muscles, tendons & ligaments.

Foot fact #2

The 52 bones in your feet make up one quarter of all the bones in your body. When they are out of alignment, so is the rest of your body.

Foot fact #3

There are approximately 250,000 sweat glands in a pair of feet and can excrete approximately 500 mls of fluid daily.

Foot fact #4

The soles of your feet contain more sweat glands and sensory nerve endings per square centimeter than any other part of the body.

Foot fact #5

Buying shoes is best done during the afternoon. Your feet tend to swell a little during the day, and it’s best to buy shoes that fit then.

Foot fact #6

Women are 4 times more likely to have foot problems than men are, mostly due to footwear.

Foot fact #7

A 2½-inch high heel can increase the load on the forefoot by 75%.

Foot fact #8

Many people have one foot larger than the other, so it’s best to fit the larger one while standing.

Foot fact #9

An average person takes 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day, which add up to 115,000 miles in a lifetime – more than 4 times the circumference of the globe.

Foot fact #10

During an average day of walking, the total forces on your feet can total hundreds of tons, equivalent to an average of a fully loaded cement truck.

Foot fact #11

Walking is the best exercise for your feet. It contributes to your general health by improving circulation and weight control.

Foot fact #12

Standing in one spot is far more tiring than walking because the demands are being made on the same few muscles for a longer length of time.

Foot fact #13

Foot ailments can become your first sign of more serious medical problems. Your feet mirror your general health, so conditions like arthritis, diabetes, nerve and circulatory disorders can show their initial symptoms in your feet.

Foot fact #14

Arthritis is high in causes of disability, including in your feet.

Foot fact #15

Arthritis is high in causes of disability, including in your feet.

Foot fact #16

Arthritis is high in causes of disability, including in your feet.

Foot fact #17

Most people will experience foot problems at one time or another in their lives.

Foot fact #18

Heel pain and ingrown toenails are the most common problems researched.

Foot fact #19

Walking is the best exercise for your feet. It contributes to your general health by improving circulation and weight control.

Foot fact #20

Typically in a person's 30-40's, the natural fat pads on the bottoms of the feet made from collagen & elastin gradually thin out, causing foot pain by the end of the day unless properly cushioned footwear is worn.

Foot fact #21

It takes at approximately 6 – 12months months to grow an entirely new toenail.

Foot fact #22

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis, affecting most people after the age of 45.

Foot fact #23

The first ever boots were designed and made for Queen Victoria in 1840.

Foot fact #24

Cigarette smoking is the biggest cause of Peripheral Vascular Disease (disease of the arteries of the feet and legs) which often leads to pain on walking, ulceration, infection and in the most severe cases - gangrene and possible amputation.

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